Do I need blood testing to store my sperm?

1 min. readlast update: 02.01.2024

The FDA requires infectious disease blood testing to be performed to release a sperm sample from quarantine.

Required tests are: - Hepatitis B Surface Antigen - Hepatitis C Antibody - HIV 1 Antibody - HIV 2 Antibody

You may store your samples before the blood testing is complete, but will be subject to additional storage quarantine fees. Furthermore, samples without proper blood testing will be required to complete a physician waiver in order to use the sample in the future.

Blood testing may be performed on-site at any of Fairfax Cryobank's locations, or you may provide results from testing at your off-site clinic. Bloodwork from an off-site clinic must have been performed within 15 days of the sample being collected.

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