How do I sign up for donor availability notifications?

1 min. readlast update: 02.01.2024

To sign up for donor availability notification, clients must first have a account.

Once you’ve created an account and logged in, find your desired donor’s profile on the donor search page.

On the lower right corner of the donor profile, locate the Order Sperm box.

If you only want to sign up for one vial preparation type for this donor, click “Notify Me” next to that specific vial type. If you want to sign up for notifications for every vial type, click “Notify me when any vial types become available on this donor.”

You are now signed up and will be emailed once the vial type/donor has new availability within 90 days of your notification sign up.

If new vials become available, they are available on a first come, first serve basis. Availability is not guaranteed.


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