How many sperm vials do I need to order?

1 min. readlast update: 02.06.2024

We recommend discussing how many vials you'll need with your medical provider before purchasing.

On average, most clients typically purchase 2-3 vials per order. Typically, 1-2 vial(s) are used per procedure or cycle; however, it is best to consult your physician on the number you'll need may vary. 

Consider Future Family-Building

Clients often wish to purchase multiple units for future cycles or family-building and place them into storage at Fairfax Cryobank. Our Client Services team can help place the extra vials into storage when you order. Storing them at our facility allows you to return unused vials for a refund, whereas storing them off-site means you cannot return unused vials.

For more information on how many vials of sperm to order, view our Specimen Information page.



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