The vial preparation type you will order depends on the ART (artificial reproductive technology) procedure you and your fertility clinic choose. To learn more about the vial preparation types, check out our Specimen Information page.
Vial Prep Types:
- IVF (in vitro fertilization)
- IUI (intrauterine insemination)
- IUI ART (artificial reproductive technology)
- ICI (intracervical insemination)
- ICI ART (artificial reproductive technology)
Vial Recommendations for Each Type of Procedure:
IUI Procedure:
- IUI vials or 2 IUI ART vials are typically the preferred choices for an in-office IUI.
- You may use ICI or 2 ICI ARTs if your physician or clinic has the capability of washing sperm before the procedure.
ICI Procedure:
- ICI vials or ICI ART vials are typically the preferred choices.
- The most common choice is 2 vials per procedure or 4 ICI ART vials per procedure.
- You may also use IUI or 2 IUI ARTs if there are no ICI vials available.
IVF or ICSI Procedure:
- ART vials are typically the preferred choice.
- All vial types can be used or per a physician's request.
- The most common choice is 2 vials per procedure.
Home Insemination Procedure:
- ICI vials or 2 ICI ART vials are typically the preferred choices.
- The most common choice is 2 ICI vials per procedure or 4 ICI ART vials per procedure.
- You may also use 2 IUI or 2 IUI ARTs if there are no ICI vials available.
Before placing your order, it is best to consult with your physician on how many vials and which sperm preparation to order.
Vial Prep Selection Resources
To learn more about what type of sperm vial you should order for your procedure, view our Specimen Information page.